Weekly Letter – 7th December, 2020

Dear friends,

“Are we there yet?”

Parents’ favourite phrase – NOT!

But it’s the unspoken phrase of many of us about the lifting or softening of the restrictions that have become second nature to so many. As you will already have seen, our government has significantly lowered the level of restriction for church services, largely due to the persistence of our Archbishop and other Christian, Islamic and Jewish leaders. What does this mean for our churches in Campbelltown?

  1. We don’t want anyone to feel they must re-start coming to Sunday or Wednesday church.
  2. We are able to accommodate significantly more people in services.
  3. The congregations can now sing (!) as well as join in saying prayers together, masks being recommended for this, though it is each person’s choice.
  4. We will continue having attendees record their details, properly sanitize their hands and having surfaces cleaned.
  5. As much as possible, we will still need to socially distance.

This new regime is to be activated today (December 7th) so will apply to our church services beginning next Sunday 13th December.

Speaking of which, I am glad to let you know about the re-commencement of the other two weekly services at St Peter’s.

The 8AM Common Prayer service of Holy Communion will recommence on Sunday 20 December. As with the 10am and 6pm services, we will need volunteers to be trained and to act as COVID Marshalls who are responsible for ensuring we who attend follow all requirements. We’ve already set up a brief and easy training experience, so don’t hold back from volunteering! At this stage, given the numbers regularly at 8am in the past it seems like we won’t have to “book”, but if numbers grow wouldn’t that be great!

The 9.30am Wednesday Common Prayer service of Holy Communion will recommence on Wednesday 16 December. As a trial run, those who attend have already met twice and seemed to cope really well with the restrictions. It has been obvious how overjoyed they were to be seeing one another, and now to be able to sing as well . . . . . . ! At the moment, we do not have to book to attend this service either.

Because we will be meeting face to face again, and because the coming school holidays impact our staff and other technical experts who have been so successful in recording the 8am service each Thursday morning for broadcast on Sundays, we will NOT be making the service available on line beyond next Sunday. If that creates a problem for you, please let me know. Most of us will be unaware how much has been involved in setting up, running and adjusting the system for recording and broadcasting 8AM. We are all both amazed and thankful to Simon (mostly) and team for enabling us still to meet as God’s church, to sing his praises, to hear his word and to pray together even though apart. Thank you and we thank God for you.

“Are we there yet?”

Almost, but not quite. And of course we may yet have to make further adjustments if an outbreak occurs in our area.

Thank God:

  • For the Government and Health Department officials who have worked so tirelessly and energetically to minimize the impact of the virus
  • For the medical staff who have taken tests and cared for infected patients so devotedly – especially those who have been the only person able to be present as a sufferer died
  • For the many scientists around the world working on the production and distribution of a vaccine
  • For the leadership of our Archbishop during this difficult time for churches
  • That we are able to gather and sing God’s praises
  • For a loving church community that has cared so well for each other
  • For the numbers of people interested in exploring Christ, our church and life as a believer.

With greetings in Jesus’ Name,

Acting Rector

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