Season’s Greetings

Dear Friends,

Is there anything more vacuous and annoying than seeing the words “Season’s Greetings” plastered throughout shops, our city and the world at this time of year. This is no generic season!  Not only that, we don’t say “Season’s Greetings” in any other season do we? Surely this is just another attempt by our secular society to eliminate any Christian history or heritage from the national consciousness.

What should we do about this?

You might feel like stomping your feet and demanding better! I want to suggest three alternate things:

First, we should recognise “Season’s Greetings” as a sign that our society and culture has moved on. They owe us nothing. As a nation, the importance of Jesus was forgotten many moons ago (if it was ever believed) and we have no right to any special treatment. Ours is not a Christian nation and unbelievers are not bound in any way to recognise or acknowledge Jesus. To this end, “Season’s Greetings” ought to be expected and we ought to be surprised when people say “Merry Christmas” or even display a nativity scene. We are in the minority and we need to act and think like a minority.

Second, we should take some of the blame for the elimination of Jesus from the national consciousness. We Christians have shrunk back over the last three decades and most of us speak less of Jesus into public debates and personal conversations. We often talk of Christian ethics or ideals and “the way things should be” but we don’t start and finish with Jesus. Part of the elimination of Jesus from the national consciousness has been because we have eliminated him from our personal consciousness. Perhaps we should fix that.

Third, pray and speak. (OK, that might be two things.) Pray for opportunities to speak of Jesus and the courage to do so. Then speak. Tell people how awesome Jesus is. Tell people he is real. Tell people why he matters to you and why he should matter to them. But don’t demand they change the way they celebrate or speak at Christmas. Show them that there is something more to it.

Demanding that “Season’s Greetings” not be used is a nonsense. Even being cranky that people say or display “Season’s Greetings” is a nonsense. That is all Christmas is to many. A season when you should be kinder than normal to random people who cross your path.

So stop stomping your feet about the fact that Christmas is less and less Christian. Stop telling people what to do and instead, start speaking about and introducing people to a man worth following. His name is Jesus.

In Christ


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