Jesus is __________? 

Everyone has an opinion on Jesus. Everyone. Yep, everyone. So what is their opinion?

In March next year we are going to take part in a region-wide mission that will have at its heart this question:

We’re interested in people’s opinions – “Jesus is _____.”  What goes in the blank?

Jesus himself once asked those around him, “Who do you say I am?” (Mark 8:29). His disciples had a variety of answers then and people in Australia have a variety of answers now. I suspect that there would be a variety of answers to that question among our church community but that each one of them would point back to Jesus being our unique Saviour.

During March 2018, we want to be asking this question of people over and over and over again. Why? Because it’s one of the most important questions you could ever answer.

During the month local Christians, young and old, from many different backgrounds, will be asking our communities into a conversation regarding Jesus’ identity. There will be events and church gatherings but the core of the mission will be you engaging with the people around you. It will be you having conversations with the people you know and love to introduce them to Jesus who you know and love.

Other churches have participated in a similar style of mission in the past and what we know is that people will say all sorts of things: positive, negative, or just plain quirky. That is all part of the the way it works. You want to engage people in honest dialogue about Jesus. You want to hear what they think so you can respond with what you know. It is scary. It takes courage. But it is super exciting. Sometimes people who have never shared about their faith in Jesus have the chance to share with a friend who they think Jesus is.

So just stop for a moment and think about it – what would your neighbour say? What would the person across from you at work say? What would your children or grandchildren say? Perhaps you can’t even guess! But you can pray. When people become followers of Jesus a grand spiritual work has taken place and we need to pray that God will enact this work in the lives of people we know and love.

Soon we will get you to think about people you can be praying for. We want to pray with you!

But we don’t have to wait till March to pray or to get started. In fact Sunday at 6 will be engaged in a week of mission at the end of November. More information about that next week. Please pray that people would engage with Jesus in November and for courage for our Sunday at 6 crew.

Our vision is that we would be a Growing Christian community. May God make it so, using us to glorify him!

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