Increasingly Safe Ministry

Dear Friends, 

In 1 Thessalonians 2 Paul describes his ministry as being like a mother and father to the Thessalonians. He cared for them like a mother cares for her children, loving them and sharing his life with them. He dealt with them like a father deals with his own children, encouraging, comforting and urging them to live lives worthy of God. It is a remarkable and challenging image – not just for the way it describes a parents task but for the way it describes the ministry task. 

As parents there are moments of joy and celebration and moments of instruction and discipline. The ministry task is the same and equally important, exciting and draining. 

This speaks of course to the expectations you might have as a church member.

The Anglican Church takes ministry seriously and works hard to ensure its staff and all church members who are involved in ministry to young people and the vulnerable are trained and held accountable for doing their work safely.

We share this commitment and our Semester 1 2017 Safe Ministry Training is on February 19. If you have never been trained or it is three years since your last training, you are invited to join us for this training. We encourage all members of our church to be trained whether you are in a ministry or not. Register by contacting the office. 

All our staff, parish council, ministry leaders and growth group leaders are bound by the Anglican Church’s protocol for behavior in ministry called Faithfulness in Service. You can find copies of it on the Safe Ministry Page of the church website. But safe ministry stretches beyond people to property and programs too.

Parish Council have responsibility for all our church sites including St Andrew’s, St Peter’s and other locations where ministry takes place and seek to ensure that the risks associated with using those spaces are managed well.

 As a member of church, you are responsible to ensure you are trained in appropriate ways for the ministry you are doing – particularly with children where you must undertake safe ministry training and soon obtain a Working With Children Check clearance. 

Additionally, we would love you to speak to the Wardens or ministry staff when you see things that are not quite right; that is, people acting strangely, buildings looking unsafe, or programs of concern. As a community we want to work together to have increasingly safe ministry through which we can honour and speak of Jesus to see the world won for Christ. 

In Christ


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