Endings and Beginnings

Just recently, Nicky, Brianna and I finished watching the most recent episode of Suits – an American legal drama featuring all the humour, arrogance and passion of any top tier law firm. We are now waiting for the next episode that will not come out until mid 2017 and I’m told the whole series will end not long after. 

Writing the ending to a series must be a very difficult task. The last Episodes of Seinfeld and Friends were much discussed and I felt at times I was the only one who enjoyed them. I suppose it just points to the fact that endings are hard and we all react differently to them! 

As we come towards the end of the year 2016, I wonder how you feel? Has it been a good year? Has it been difficult? How have you grown as a Christian? What has been holding you back? What do you need to change to make 2017 a better year? What is your plan for how you will grow in the grace and knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ in 2017? 

As a staff and a Parish Council we have our eyes fixed on the end of this year and the beginning of the next. We are reviewing the year and are very thankful for many things. Equally, some things have come under review and will change in the year ahead. I continue to be concerned about our prayer life as a church and will be praying that we can turn this around in 2017! If we do not pray, are we not lost? 

Parish Council are looking at budgets and profit and loss statements and as the end of the year comes and a new ones starts, we want to make sure we can communicate accurately where we are at and where we are going. I hope to be able to do this soon. 

As we do all these things we must make sure we have our eyes fixed on the ending that matters more than any other. Jesus is coming soon and whatever we do, however we think of endings and new beginnings, this must be our fixed reference point and response:  The end of all things is near. Therefore be clear minded and self‑controlled so that you can pray. (1 Peter 4:7) 

We value the input we have received from you about this year and ideas for the next. Keep them coming. 

In Christ


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