Discuss and pray for the future

The Christian life is counter cultural – it runs contrary and often opposite to everything our world desires and does. It doesn’t always look different of course, but that is because the Christian life is not all about what is going on on the outside. People look at the outward appearance and are easily confused by a Christians morals or virtues (thinking that is what the Christian faith is all about) or sometimes wondering why there is a lack of morals and virtues in one that might call themselves Christian. Thankfully, the Lord looks at the heart. The Lord looks for repentance and faith. And the Lord comes and dwells in us by his spirit when we trust in him.

The Christian life is counter cultural because of who we live for, who we listen to and where we are going. I’ve never met a perfect Christian but I have met a whole stack of Christians who are working hard to live for Jesus for the benefit of the world. Perhaps that’s a good vision for a Christian. It might even be a good vision for a church – ours captures just that but is a little longer.

We are seeking to be a Growing Christian community devoted to maturing in Jesus for the glory of God. That can be hard sometimes, but that is no surprise to God.

In Revelation 11 we see a picture from John’s vision that shows God’s people being sent into the world to speak of God in the world, humbly, carefully and faithfully. It is a picture of life now. Christians are called to go into the world and speak of Jesus humbly, carefully and faithfully.

And the end result is victory as God calls them to come to him and dwell with him forever.

At our AGM’s we will ponder together the work we are doing to proclaim God’s Word into the world. I am excited to review and talk together about the ministry we are doing and invite you to come ready to participate in the discussion!!

Reading Revelation provides keen insight and strong motivation for mission. It helps us see the end, and that ought to motivate us in the middle. And that is where we are now.

We live in the time between Jesus first and second coming. We are in the world but not of the world. We are citizens of heaven who dwell on earth. We are God’s people, his community now.

But what will we do in 2018 and beyond?

In Christ

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