Weekly Letter – 30th December, 2020

Dear sisters and brothers,

On your behalf I congratulate and thank St Peter’s wardens on the successful purchase of a new residence (rectory) for our Senior Minister. God has been remarkably kind in the provision of the new home which is to be (mostly) funded by the sale of the Radnor Place residence. Jason and Heather and their girls will move in very shortly before enjoying some leave. Thanks so much to Barrie, Jason and Kevin for their hard work.

Besides providing the Veitch family with the home and thousands of Milky Ways (let the reader understand!), how can we best make their commencement with us as easy as possible for them?

I know we are praying for a good departure from Bexley. The saints there I know are really sad their beloved pastor and his family are leaving but also thankful that Jason will be bringing to Campbelltown, as a blessing, all that has made him so loved in their fellowship. They also know he is someone who is able and willing to be stretched and that CAC will certainly do that!

Let’s work at understanding the impact of all these changes on Jason and his family and pray for the Lord’s care of them through it.

There are books written about how to care for your pastor as he comes to a new appointment! Most of them just express gospel common sense.

So, rather than make my own suggestions, what would you suggest? If you can’t think of anything, ask yourself what you would like to be done for you if you were in his position?


Below in the News are details of what’s happening to celebrate the birth of our Saviour. As the Health Directive has been changed now to allow householders to have up to 30 people in their home, let’s make the most of the opportunity to hold “Carols in our Yard” at home. Both the Christmas Eve Family Christmas and the Christmas Day Lessons and Carols will be recorded and available so you can watch them when it suits you on either of those two days.

Toys n Tucker

Final day for collection is December 10 – food and toy donations can be brought with you to church next Sunday or dropped at the Office this Friday or following Thursday (10th Dec).
Let’s make this a memorable Christmas not a forgettable one for many in our community as we demonstrate the love of Christ.

In Jesus,
Acting Rector

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