Campbelltown Anglican News

As promised, here is the outline of the initial steps we are taking to address the consequences of having to shut down most of our normal Parish activities.
These are unchartered waters and I don’t doubt that many of these arrangements will need to be modified and some new ones will have to be created.  What is needed most of all is your prayers, followed closely by an eagerness to face the challenges and “Bear each other’s burdens and so fulfil the law of Christ”.

Glorifying God and continuing our maturity in Christ:  New Sunday arrangements
Church is for building one another up in the faith, encouraging each other to remain centred and anchored and trusting in Jesus. He is our refuge and our strength. Christians know and worship the true God together. Therefore, in this time of self-isolation and the closure of public worship, we are keen to take our joy of meeting together and do it differently.
We are working to deliver two types of services for Sunday at three times. A traditional form will be made available from 8am and a contemporary service will be available from 10am. We aim to create a live viewing party again at 6pm.
The way we deliver these services will be tweaked as we experiment and work on doing things well for the glory of God.
The links will be made available on the homepage of our website, (or, so check that out close to the time for directions.
We recommend making a moment of watching the service. Sit with your family, close friends or Growth Group and engage with the word, pray and enjoy the eternal message that Jesus Christ is King (he’s going to look after everything)! Have yourself settled in time with your bible ready to go.
Growth Groups are encouraged to continue to meet as normal. Keep vigilant with the social space advice, hand washing and staying home if unwell. Your Growth Group leaders will get information as time proceeds and they will be your greatest contacts while we manoeuvre these times together.
More resources for individual growth will be passed out over the coming weeks. This may include daily bible readings sent to your inbox or timely posts sent to our Facebook page or group.
We understand that not everyone is comfortable with technology and we will do our best not to leave you behind.

Pastoral Care in the coming weeks:  How we will be keeping in touch
The vision of our Church is to be a growing Christian community devoted to maturing in Jesus for the glory of God. It is a challenge to express community in the current circumstances. We are so thankful for the community of Campbelltown Anglican Churches and the way members care for one another in many different ways. To support members in their care for one another and to ensure people don’t slip through the cracks this is what we would like to implement, with your valued help, in the weeks and months ahead.
The Growth Group Leaders will ask a few members of their group to be responsible for making contact with others in the group and the GG Leader will keep in contact to support and care for the people they have asked to contact others.

Those who are not in Growth Groups will be either attached to existing Growth Groups or placed in a group with a member of the MET (Membership Encouragement Team) overseeing their group.
The Ministry Team will be in regular weekly contact with the Growth Group leaders to care for them. Leanne will look after 8am GG leaders and MET leaders, Mick will look after 10am GG leaders, Simon will look after 6pm GG leaders and Jason will look after St Andrews GG leaders.
To care for our elderly, we will be recruiting volunteers to ring them every few days at a set time to check in how they are going.
We are thinking through other ways we can express community maybe gathering in open spaces like Camden Bike track on a sunny afternoon.

Children’s and Youth arrangements
Friday Night Youth, Afternoon Kid’s club, Junior Jivers and all of our children’s and youth programs will receive similar treatment in delivering things differently. Pray for all of our excellent leaders as they continue to teach, engage and grow our younger ones up in the Lord. There are Facebook groups for most of these ministries so seek out the ones that fit your family. We are also thinking about alternatives for Facebook as well.
So, there it is; our first steps to face this unprecedented situation.  Please be sure to view this Sunday’s services online and remember, if you have questions, email or ring any of the Ministry Team.
Yours in Christ,
Bruce Ballantine-Jones
Acting Rector

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