Senior’s Retreat

It is on again! Our bi-annual Seniors’ Retreat will be taking in the sights and sounds of Jindabyne and the Snowy Mountains in 2018.

From Sunday November 25 to Friday November 30 we will be heading to stay at Lake Jindabyne Hotel and from there your accommodation, meals and day tours are all covered.

We will be visiting a variety of locations and attractions throughout the week that are all detailed belbow – though subject to change!

We have created a waiting list for those who are interested but cannot commit at the moment. Please register below by ‘purchasing’ a ‘Waiting List’ ticket. There is no charge for this.

More information below the form.


Our trips to Bright and Merimbula have been brilliant and this one is shaping to be equally good – if not better. We, with Leanne, have loved these special times with our church members!

Now is the time to register your intention to come. Just pay $50 now to secure your spot with full payment due later in the year.

If you have any specific questions at this stage, please speak to Judith Taylor or I at church.

I hope you are able to come and spend the week away with us.
Nigel Fortescue & Judith Taylor

Itinerary (subject to change)

Day One: Travel to Jindabyne with a lunch stop in Canberra. Enjoy a three-course meal at dinner and relax in the evening in preparation for a great time away!

Day Two: We head for the mountains with stops at Thredbo for a chairlift ride to the top of Crackenback, Bullocks Flat and Charlotte’s Pass where you can see Mt Kosciuszko.

Day Three: A visit to the Snowy-Hydro System will begin the day as we take in Adaminiby and Eucumbene Dam.

Day Four: We will take in some of the local attractions such as the Gaden Trout Hatchery and Wildbrumby Distillery before an afternoon to rest or explore Jindabyne at your own pace.

Day Five: A day for the history buffs as we step back to 1890 in Dalgety, Bombala, Burnima Homestead, Nimmitabel and Cooma Gaol.

Day Six: All good things must come to an end as we depart Jindabyne and wind our way back to Campbelltown.


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