Take Your Next Steps

Find your true home

Jesus said “My Father’s house has many rooms” and that he has a prepared a place for all of those who believe in him. Jesus also said “I am the way and the truth and the life, no one comes to the father except through me” (John 14:1-6). We’d love to help you take your next step in finding your true home in Jesus!

Our pathway for joining in

We know it can be daunting to join in with a church, so we want to help you with our simple pathway for joining in with us as we follow Jesus. We’ll walk with you to help you to feel welcome, we’ll help you to learn more about Jesus and us, and we’ll continue to walk with
you as you grow in your trust in Jesus.

So, let us welcome you!

We love welcoming new people amongst us. You’ll receive a warm welcome at any of our weekly church services or weekly activities. We have new people joining us all the time so you don’t need to worry that you’ll stick out! You’ll be very welcome and should receive a welcome pack on your first visit to any of our church services.

Welcome Lunch

Every month we invite new people to join us for a welcome lunch where you can meet people from across our church and we’ll answer any questions you have and help you to take your next step with in finding out about Jesus and getting comfortable in our church.

A fresh start as we learn together

Regardless of whether you’ve never really thought much about religion let alone Jesus, or whether you’ve been in a church since the day were born, we have a simple next step for you.

Meet Jesus

We want everyone to have the chance to meet Jesus for themselves. He’s changed
our lives and we think he’ll change yours too!

So, if you’ve not had the chance to go back to the start, and to learn what makes Jesus so special, we’d love you to join our next Meet Jesus course.

Firm in Jesus

Following Jesus as your Lord and Saviour is what life is all about! Our ‘Firm in Jesus’ course is your chance to explore what it means to live as a disciple of Christ.

This is a great course for new Christians and for people who are returning to their Christian faith. It will help you to consolidate what you know and to start living and growing in Christ.

Every Member Course

Whether you’ve recently become a follower of Jesus, or you’re a Christian who has recently moved to the growing south-west of Sydney is looking for a church, our

“Every Member” course is our self-paced orientation course that will help you feel right at home. Once you’ve worked through the course yourself we’ll book in a catch-
up with one of our congregational Pastors to answer your questions and find out how we can help you settle in well.

Ready to join in? Ask us about the Every Member course at our next welcome lunch.

Grow in your knowledge

Join a growth group!

One of the most loved parts of our church community is our network or Growth Groups. These are small congregational based groups that meet during the week in groups of 8-15 people to read the Bible together, to pray and care for each other and
to build deep connections with Jesus and his people in our church.

We want everyone who joins in with us to have a growth group where they can grow and help others to grow too! Once you’ve completed the Every Member course one of our Pastors we’ll talk with you about the many benefits of growing in a Growth Group!