
Welcome to our Every Member course resource page. Questions like 'who are we' and 'what are we on about' are good questions for Christians to be thinking through in their churches. Here at the Campbelltown Anglican Churches we want to be clear about what we are on about and who we are. To put it as simply as possible: we are on about Jesus, and listening to him speak to us in his word. Our vision is to be:

A growing Christian community devoted to maturing in Jesus for the glory of God.

At the end of 2021, we recommitted to our vision and a 3-year plan to focus on those two specific elements in the vision of mission growth and Christian maturity.

It's our prayer that series of studies and video resources provided on this page will help set us up for the next few years of serving the Lord here together.

Study Resources

Video Resources

Click here to download all the videos for offline use.