Dear Friends,

I am always excited about and look forward to our whole church gathering together for our annual MEGACHURCH SUNDAY. This year we will meet on Sunday October 20 at 9.30am in the St Peter’s Anglican Primary School Hall. Our annual MEGACHURCH SUNDAY gives us the opportunity to give expression to our unity in Christ, our unity in mission and our unity in caring for one another. It is a great opportunity to be reminded about what our most important work is.

Our world, hopes in lots of things, but such things are always hopeless hopes. Sure they might make you feel good for a time, even a long time! But none of them provide you with an everlasting hope. None of the world’s offerings provide you with a sure and certain hope in this life. None of the things people hope in can really, truly satisfy.

But God does. God satisfies us by forgiving our sin, empowering us by the Spirit, adopting us as his children and giving us to each other to share his vision for the world.

What God offers is hope that works. What we as a church do, is offer that hope to the world. We offer this hope because every person in the world starts this life without hope – and God’s desire for each one is that they may be able to approach him with confidence and freedom as their Father and friend. That each person may be gathered into God’s people and gather with member’s of God’s household and grow into holiness by the work of the Spirit.

MEGACHURCH this year will be focused on the way God has equipped his church for
works of service. We will celebrate all that we have done over the last 12 months and look ahead to new opportunities to proclaim the saving word of Christ. It will be a day to remind us with great clarity that we have a God who has spoken to us by his Word and that we can serve him with our whole selves.

Join us for MEGACHURCH Sunday as we call on God to do a mighty work in Campbelltown.

In Christ

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