We believe that Christianity is not something we do in isolation but in community with other Christians. How good’s that!
We believe that everyone ought to hear the good news about Jesus and so we want our community to grow in number.
We believe that this is all for His glory and not our own.
We desire to know God through Jesus Christ more and more and so work at maturing in Him.
We seek to teach everybody the true gospel of God’s grace through Jesus’ death and resurrection.

Jason Moss
Pastor St Andrew's Airds, CAHSM/SRE

Michael Kinsey
Parish Children's and Youth Minister

Michael Latten
Pastor 6pm, 8am/Wed 930am Assistant

Mark Schroder
Chaplain Broughton Anglican College, Member 10am

Kylie Chapman
Ministry Support Co-ordinator

Michael Duckett

Heather Veitch
Ministry Co-worker

Phil Palmer
Ministry Co-worker

Narelle Davis
Ministry Co-worker